What is a 704 Life Group?

704 Life Groups are small groups of people in a similar area of town or stage of life who meet regularly to pursue spiritual growth together. Life Groups at 704 have 4 main ingredients:

  • Apply the Bible: Every group gathering is centered around the Bible. Whether it’s a Bible study series, or sermon curriculum - the Bible is our primary source for learning more about God and how God has created us to live. In groups we talk about how we are to apply the Bible and its teachings to our lives practically.

  • Pray for One Another: Every gathering takes time to share prayer requests. While praying for one-another’s requests might not happen at every meeting, our groups prioritize time (at either the beginning or the end) to intercede for one another in prayer. 

  • Create and Cultivate Community: Making friends is challenging - especially the older we get. Relationships are formed in time spent together. The consistent gathering of Life Groups creates an opportunity for relationships to be formed, and the LG Leader, along with their members, do their best to cultivate deeper relational bonds over time.

  • Serve Together: Our relationship with God is first personal, but it’s not meant to remain private. One way of doing this is serving. While we would love for y’all to serve on a Sunday together, this element is about serving outside of 704 Church. Whether it’s going for a prayer walk through one of your neighborhoods, visiting someone who’s sick, doing a bake-sale, or joining in serving one of our local or global partners.

Who are Life Groups for?

Whether you’re brand-new to 704 or you’ve been coming for years, a Life Group is a great next step for ANYONE who wants to grow in relationship with God and others through healthy, meaningful relationships.

I’m new to this whole Church/God thing… is this the right place for me?

Life Groups are a great place to grow spiritually through relationships. They are safe places for you to ask the kinds of questions you may have about God and the church!  

What is a typical group meeting like?

Each Life Group is unique, but generally all Life Groups have some social time with snacks and conversation up front, followed by a time of study and prayer. The meeting will last somewhere around 1.5 to 2 hours.

What do we study?

Our Life Groups do a variety of studies, such as sermon-based studies written by Pastors and leaders that are based on the 704 Sunday messages. Others dive into various Bible studies and books that have been approved by 704 Life Groups Ministry. You may even take part in a church-wide study!

How often do Life Groups meet?

While many Life Groups meet on a weekly basis, some meet every other week, or once a month.

Where do groups meet?

Each Life Group has a different meeting location. Once you sign up, the leader will contact you with specific details on the location. If you’d like to know the location before signing up, please contact the Life Group leader for the information.

How long will my group last?

Groups typically meet for 1-2 years to allow relationships to deepen and community bonds to be forged. However, there are natural on and off ramps built into the life cycle of every Group (e.g., breaks between studies and semesters), so you’ll be able to transition out of the Group if it’s not the best fit for you, or if your circumstances change. 

What about childcare?

Each individual Group is responsible for deciding how to handle childcare needs. Some options are:

  • Have parents arrange for sitters on their own and attend the Group without children.

  • Chip in together for a sitter who watches the kids in a different room while your Group meets.

  • Group members take turns watching the kids each week.

I’m ready to sign up!

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