Why Church: Acts 9:1-20
This week we walk through Saul's conversion. Saul and Ananias were the last person you'd expect, but their encounter and obedience rocked the known world.
Why Church: Acts 8
This week Wayne Gill teaches on Acts 8 and how the Holy Spirit worked through the intense persecution the early church experienced!
Why Church: Acts 6:1-7
We look at the first internal complication in the early church! What will you do when complications inevitably arise within your community?
Why Church : Acts 5
Our elder, Jared Worthington, talks about the blazes in life to look for as a new Christian.
Why Church : Acts 4:32-35
How you handle your possessions declares loudly the person you are and the person you want to be. We see in this text that the early church had a God-honoring generosity that was voluntary, costly, and stringless.
Why Church : Acts 2:37-47
What is the formula for a successful church? From this text, it's surprisingly simple, but its execution is complex and its result is miraculous.